Saints Campus circa 1991: Saints mugging for the ages. Saints featured here are Wulwyn Porte, Momolu VO Sirleaf, Chris Sayeh,Hector Toga Grimes, Lewis E. Kelley, Charles O'Railey Nance, Vincent Kollie, Horay Gibson, Augustine NYantee, John Neufville, Alfred M. Sheriff, Thomas Weaseh Johnson, Emmett N. Scott, OBJ, Lahai Karmo, Jordan Zulu and Forte Othniel D.
St. Patrick's High School circa 1994: These seniors from Saints Class of '94, are know as the ICONS. We see the Bropleh twin brothers, Borbi and Bior. If you can, please identify the other Saints in this pictures so we can update the blog.
STC Elementary School: Students hard at work as Sister and a Teacher give them guidance. We will post more information about this shot as soon as we get it.