The Campus of St. Teresa's Convent circa 1985: Many of us have fond memories of the teachers who molded our young minds. Besides teaching us, they were our mentors, disciplinarians, tutors, counselors, coaches, etc. They played an important role in making us the men and women that we are today. Some of them, such as Brother Thomas in the picture above, taught at STC and SPHS over a period of four decades. This picture is a small representation of the hundreds of teachers who impacted our lives. And for that, we honor them.
Our teachers featured in this picture are:
Back Row L to R: Brother Thomas (Mathematics), Mr. ?????, Mr. Kamano, Mr. Sarpong (Physics), Mr. Jim McCritty, and Mr. Kennedy (Science).
Front Row L to R: Sister Evelina, Ms. Chadhuri, Ms. Constance Nims (deceased - Chemistry), Sister Alice, Sister Josephine and Sister Bernadette (French)
Thank you to all who provided the names of the teachers featured in this picture. Now we have only one left to identify. It is the teacher in the dark shirt standing next to Brother Thomas in the back row. You can either post his name in the comments section of this blog, or send his name to
MEETING THE PATRON SAINT - ST. PATRICK'S. A week after Graduating Class of '65, I went to meet the 'OLDMAN' after Mass to formally bade farewell with a 'big hug n thanks' for making me a better person. With the help of Bro. James Kozak n putting on my 'Green Beret', I climbed the Monument. And determined to keep the 'Pledge' I made while in school to enroll my SONS at St. Patrick's
Comments by George Kollie
'The Night' was an Amicus Unus Fellowship organized 'social event' to get closer/involved with school/students. This event was only held in '67. Most of the participants then were members of the eventual Class of '68 (Dixon, Peters, Dean, Gibson, Wotorson).
Clock wise l-r: Skinner; Prof. Stevens; Bro. James; J. Wotorson; ME; W. Peters; E. Dixon; R. Gibson; J. Dean; S. Bowman (far right); J. Ponnie; A. Reeves; Buxton; Carlos B. Z. Smith (white shirt), etc.
Comments by George Kollie