Nothing was more spectacular than watching the “boys in all white rocking the green beret” parading down the streets of Monrovia. People lined the streets, awestruck by the spectacle of the Saints. Wonderful memory of our Glorious St. Patrick's.

Saints Friskies Cadet Corps Officers circa 1988...
L - R: Mohammed Kaba, Precious Smith, Ivan Hart, Maimalynne Walker, Justine Yelegon, Hariett Ayomanor, Gerald Sangudi, Musu Sharpe
Front Row
L - R: Sando Karneh, Claudia Pennoh, Jerry Gludoe David

Comments by Vamba Fofana - Class of '86:
On the last “Official Day” of class for the St. Patrick’s High School Class of '86 (aka the "Fontinbras Army”), some jubilant members of the soon to ‘withdraw’ (with high honors and the highest degree of humility) from the beautiful SPHS campus posed for a ‘memorable’ photograph that brings back wonderful memories of a bygone era. Top (from left to right): Frank Cooper, Vamba S. Fofana (“Super V”), Himie Yuoh, and Roberts Wiles. Bottom (from left to right): Laurence Mensah, Momo Wolapaye, Franklin Cole, Leroy Dekar Fleeming, Dweh Morgan (the man who jokingly said, among others things, that he would never open that “somewhat difficult” English in Literature text book (written in OLD English) for the rest of his lifetime following the final exam), and Alexander E. Bassey.