Bailey, Joseph++
Blake, Timothy
Cole, Moses
Cooper, Randolph
Cummings, Alexander
Dixon, Clarence
Freeman, Alfred
Gadagbeku, Philip
Gant, Isaac
Gibson, Robert
Karmo, Armah
Lwal, Manock
Malual, Paul
Marchione, Albert
Mccauley, Edward
Nosike, Abraham
Pearson, Ansumana
Peters, Willis
Richard, Arnold
Sie, John
Simmons, Joseph
Tamba, Kollie
Travers, Rubel
Ward, William
Wilson, Walter
Wolo, John
Wotorson, Jerome
Comfort Arku
Mary Amett,
Florence Atta
Doris Barchue
Kama Baysah
Gloria Carey++
Gwendolyn Cassel
Agatha Cooper
Famatta Dennis
Evie Diggs
Myra Doe
Leah Findley++
Cecelia Hare
Henrietta Higgins
Rachel Johnson
Nadia Kolinsky
Enid Labor
Hawa Massaquoi
Christine Maximore
Sarah Railey
Etmonia Sawyer
Benedicta Togbeh
Charlotte Tolbert
Alfreda Vincent
Roselee Williams
Ivy Zeraldine
NOTE: If you notice any errors or omissions on the list, please send corrections or additions to:
Saint Teresa's Convent High School, Class of 1968
Graduation Day Tuesday, December 10, 1968 St. Teresa's Convent Campus
Back Row, L-R
?, Hawa Massaquoi, Famatta Dennis, Mary Amett,?, Gloria Carey (deceased), Alfreda Vincent, Agatha Cooper, Henrietta Higgins, Evie Diggs, Charlotte Tolbert, Sarah Railey & Roselee Williams
Front Row, l-R
Enid Labor, Kama Baysah, Leah Findley (deceased}, Etmonia Sawyer, Ivy Zeraldine, Rachel Johnson, Nadia Kolinsky, Christine Maximore, Cecelia Hare, Benedicta Togbeh, Florence Atta, Doris Barchue, Comfort Arku, Gwendolyn Cassel, ?, & Myra Doe
ABOVE: AMISCUS UNUS FELLOWSHIP MEMBERS: This picture shows the expanded members of Amiscus Unus Fellowhship, a subsidiary of St. Patrick's Alumni Association.. They are: Ervin Mollihai Clinton, J. Bropleh; J. Stevens; Willis S Peters Sr; C. Dixon; R. Gibson; J. Wotorson; J. Dean; A. Nosikie ;BRO. James Kozak( EX-OFFICIO); R. Travers; J. Ponnie and I. Taye
Saint Teresa's Convent High School, Class of 1968
Baccalaureate Service Held At the Cathedral on Snapper Hill/Ashmun Street Sunday, December 8, 1968
Graduation Day Tuesday, December 10, 1968 St. Teresa's Convent Campus
Graduation Day
Tuesday, December 10, 1968
St. Teresa's Convent Campus

Back Row, L-R
?, Hawa Massaquoi, Famatta Dennis, Mary Amett,?, Gloria Carey (deceased), Alfreda Vincent, Agatha Cooper, Henrietta Higgins, Evie Diggs, Charlotte Tolbert, Sarah Railey & Roselee Williams
Front Row, l-R
Enid Labor, Kama Baysah, Leah Findley (deceased}, Etmonia Sawyer, Ivy Zeraldine, Rachel Johnson, Nadia Kolinsky, Christine Maximore, Cecelia Hare, Benedicta Togbeh, Florence Atta, Doris Barchue, Comfort Arku, Gwendolyn Cassel, ?, & Myra Doe