Barrolle, Jimi
Bing, Jeremiah
Boway, Amos
Boyd, Patrick
Bright, Manfred
Brumskine, C.
Darrah, Abu
Francis, Roberts
Gbarbea, James
Harmon, J.
Howard, Winston
Jeffrey, Octavius
Johnson, Edwin
Kai, Edwin
Karngar, Henry
Kennedy, Dorkonyah
Kollie, Daniel
Kolubah, Peter
Mellish, John
Monclay, James
Myers, Bruce
Nah, John
Omoko, Godwin
Richards, Onokuma
Saah, Oliver
Sackey, John
Sammy, Kortu
Simmond, Virgillins
Sion, William
Sriram, Kannankote
Sumo, Willie
Teah, Maxson
Torkpa, Henry
Weeks, Theophilus
Wiles, Thomas
Williams, Daniel
Willie, Paul
Yarkpazua, James
Edgarline Badio
Elma Brandy
Joyce Clinton
Vera Cole
Annie Cooper
Joanne Deshield
Musu Eastman
Omo Fowler
Amy Jones
Marlene Jones
Musu Kiazolu
Dr. Sabrina J. Logan
Ramona Nyephan
Aba Onumah
Irener Perry-Philips
Madalena Sanvee
Margaret Sanvee
Marco Stryker
Rita Taylor
Comfort Thompson
Magdeline Nora Weeks
Agatha Wesley
Anna Willis
Joy Yhap
Gbai Youh
Sieanneh Youh
NOTE: If you notice any error or omission on the list, please send corrections or additions to:
SAINTS: Are you a member of Saints Class of 74, or know someone who is? Please send pictures of you and your classmates to:
FRISKIES: If you notice any error or omission on the list, please send corrections or additions to: Please also send any pictures of you and your classmates, old and current pictures.