Cecilia Awode (Yuoh)
Domiano Boalo
Eric Brown
Juliana Brownell (Juwle)
James Bueale
Dorothy Chea (Johnson)
Judith Cisco
Marie Cisco (Bemah)++
Christina Cole++
Judith Cole (Elod)
Nester Cole++
Julia Cummings (Weeks)
Nah Dixon
William Dowah
S Folley Dunna
Moses Flomo++
Charles Ford
Amanda Fumbah (Paasewe)
Clarise Gibson (Tolbert)
Cynthia Gibson (Whistnant)
Famatta Gibson (Caesar)++
David Harris++
Wafa Husseiny
Stanton B Johnson
Crispin Jones
Ernest C B Jones
Felecia Kai (Deline)
Jamesetta Massa Kamara
Alfred Kollie
Peter A. Kotee
Lamie Kromah
Rudene Logan (Wilkins)
33. Esther Mensah (Bull)
34. Christopher Mingle
35. Lawrence Mitchell++
36. Edmund K Neblett
37. Anastasia Neypon++
38. Felicia A Ossei (Demann)
39. Alecia Reeves (Freeman)
40. Joseph A. Roberts
41. Markous Roberts, Sr. (Rob)
42. Daniel Samuels
43. Philemina Savice
44. Arthur Saye
45. Borbor Sherman++
46. Joseph Sorsor
47. Judy Stryker
48. Maureen Summerville (Smith)++
49. Anthony Taplah++
50. Aldolphus Thompson
51. Lucy Togba++
52. Elizabeth Catherine Toh (Raffell)
53. Ruthann Toweh
54. Janice T Walker (Logan)++
55. Loretta Walker (Boyce-Williams)
56. Glacia Ward (Patray)
57. ARuth Weeks
58. Rayetta Whistnant
59. Chantal Wiles (Doe)
60. Jerry Wilkins
61. J Benedict Wreh
62. Dr. Sandy Woodrow Yancy
63. David Kolubah Yennego
64. Constance A Yhap (Brown)
Above: Some members of the Class of '72 on one of the basketball teams in Liberian Basketball Federation. This picture was taken at the YMCA some time in the early 70's.
Below: Founding members of what was then SPHS Alumni Association. Some members of Class of '72 were founding members, inclduding Ben Wreh, Ed Neblette and Sandy Yancy. Other Founders in the pic include Kpadi Williams '73, the late Joe Bailey '68 and others.