3RD TERM 2024-2027

Congratulations to the Koffa Team on their re-election to a 3rd Term as National Leaders of SFAA-USA. The election was conducted at SFAA's 29th Annual Convention in Silver Spring MD, on Saturday, May 25, 2024. Members of the re-elected National Executive Committee are:
Stephen Koffa - President
Doris Adighibe - Vice President
Charles Cooper - Treasurer
Faustina Bonner - Secretary
Lionel Brown - Parliamentarian
Barbara Davies Badio - Board Member-At-Large
Marica Cox Mitchell - Board Member-At-Large
Robert Williams - Board Member-At-Large
The following infographic summarizes the accomplishments of the Koffa Team over the last 7 years:
According to President Koffa, the 3rd Term will look "Beyond Scholarships and Construction". His agenda includes the following:
Impact Analysis of A2S Program
Build Endowment Fund
Promote Alumni Engagement with students
Create Mentorship Program
Provide Educational Resources

Please leave a message of congratulations