Bedieako, David
Bright, Garway
Bright, Zangar
Chea, Elijah
Chowiri, Ameed
Chowiri, Abdo
Cooper, James
Cooper, Rudolph
Cooper, Robert
Dakena, Johnson
Darpoh, Cyrus
David, Federick
Deshield, Ouldadah
Dewani, Shyam
Diallo, Ibrahim
Duncan, Eric
Gludoe, Jerry
Guanno, Nyemah
Hart, Ivan
Jackson, Moses
Jeke, Moses
Kaba, Mohammed
Karneh, Sando
Lavala, James
Mensah, James
Murray, Solomon
Nandwani, Prem
Ogunwani, Michael
Oyuman, Leo
Richards, Rodney
Saad, John
Sangudi, Gerald
Sengar, James
Sheldom, Jerome
Siebu, Samuel
Slewion, George
Smith, Othello
Smith, Willie
Stublefield, Africanus
Thawoni, Devender
Titus, Jean
Vaswani, Sanjay
Williams, Mudashiru
Wilson, Lawrence
Yahn, Lee++
Yeboah, George
Yekeson, Justine
Yemis Afolabi
Harriet Ayamanor
Kim Browne
Linda Brumskine
Nettie Chea
Ramona Chebli
Philomena Godfrey
Deepa Hariramani
Rehka Jatani
Haja Kaba
Garmeh Kuyon
Emma Kwame
Florence Nkansah
Claudia Pennoh
Zinnah Reeves
Stephanie Satiah
Musu Sharpe
Precious Smith
Christina Uboma++
Maimalynne Walker
Rosemarie Walker
Gwendolyn Washington
Barbara Wright
COFAD- Class of Faith And Determination
NOTE: If you notice any errors or omissions on the list, or a classmate that we need to note as deceased, please contact us: sfaa@stcsphs.org

ABOVE: St. Teresa's Convent circa 1988: Friskies Class of 1988 mug for the camera on campus.
Bottom row left to right:
Gwendolyn Washington, Linda Brumskine, Ramona Chebli, Poona Hariramani, Rosemarie Walker.
Top row left to right:
Harriet Ayamanor, Zinnah Reeves, Garmeh Kuyon, Emma Kwame, Nettie Chea, Claudia Pennoh, Christina Uboma(deceased), Linda ...., Deepa Hariramani