sfaa june 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT

News Archive
The following is a summary of SFAA monthly financial report for the period beginning June 1, 2017 and ending June 30, 2017
To read details of the report, click on View Full Report below:
BANK BALANCE - JUNE 1 $2,191.76
TOTAL FUNDING $15,491.82
BANK BALANCE - JUNE 30 $17,338.24
- First Saints -
Class of 1943

It is an honor to feature the First Graduates of St. Patrick’s High School. These distinguished men blazed Saints trails and left a legacy to which we all deferred.
If you are a relative or friend of the family of these distinguished men, please send us pictures of our “FIRST SAINTS” so that we can post them on their class page. You can send the pictures to :
To view the members of the exclusive club dubbed FIRST SAINTS, click on the button below.
view class:
43, 47, 48, 49, 50-59

SFAA's Class Page rollout continues. The following classes have been published and are now available for viewing.
Class of '43
Class of '47
Class of '49
Classes of '50 - 59
Content on each class page includes members of the class, name of the class, year graduated, and a slider deck of current and past pictures of class members. If you notice any errors or omissions, or have class information to submit, please contact
EC Monthly Meeting
June 2017

The minutes of SFAA Executive Committee meeting held on June 29, 2017, is now ready for viewing. To view the minutes, log onto the site using the username and password you created to access privileged documents.. Then navigate to the minutes by dong the following:
Click Alumni
Click SFAA Reports (Log in)
If you are a member of SFAA and do not have an account, please create your account by clicking the following link:
You can also view the minutes by clicking on the button below. If you have any questions, please contact
regional chapters

SFAA is in the process of establishing regional chapters. The regional chapters will comprise of the following:
o Massachusetts
o Rhode Island
o Connecticut
o New York
o New Jersey
o Pennsylvania
o Delaware·
o Michigan
o Indiana
o Illinois
o Ohio
o Minnesota
o Washington DC
o Maryland
o Virginia
o North Carolina
o South Carolina
o Georgia
o Florida
o California
o Washington
o Nevada
o Liberia
We are seeking voulunteers to help us with this major re-organization effort. If you wish to help, please contact us at:
sfaa vacancies

SFAA currently has open positions that need to be filled:
Members of the Board
Five members representing regional chapters
Standing Committees
Appointed Committees
We are currently on a recruitment campaign to fill these positions. We ask that you please assist in this effort by submitting the names of interested candidates to:
Project Coordinator – Rebuild/Reopen SPHS

Charles E. Cooper, III
Charles E. Cooper III, ’84, Treasurer of SFAA, has been appointed Acting Project Coordinator for Rebuilding/Reopening SPHS. In collaboration with SFAA Chapter in Liberia, he will play a lead role in discussions with the Archdiocese about reopening St. Patrick's High School. Mr. Cooper will act in this role until we find a permanent replacement.
The Project Coordinator for Rebuilding/Reopening of St. Patrick’s falls under the domain of the Project Committee. That committee is organized as follows:
Chair - Project Committee
Project Coordinators - Rebuilding/ Reopening SPHS
USA Representative
Liberia Representative
Project Coordinators - STC Support
USA Representative
Liberia Representative
This arrangement will enable Project Coordinators to focus on their assignment while working in tandem with the national organization. Because the schools are in Liberia, the role of the Projects Coordinators in Liberia is critical to the success of SFAA's goals.
SUrgeries in liberia

Dr. Kevin and Mrs. Natu Youh Strathy, STC Class of '86, traveled to Liberia in June to perform reconstructive surgery on children who are severely scarred or have other facial deformities.
Dr. Strathy, a plastic surgeon, along with his wife Natu, a surgical nurse, have performed over 80 surgeries in Liberia since December 2016, free of charge. They dedicate their medical training, time, and limited resources toward healing Liberians who are in desperate need of such medical services.
Dr. Kevin and Mrs. Natu Youh Strathy were honored with a humanitarian award at SFAA's convention in May 2017.
Read more from Frontpage Africa about the Strathys' amazing charity work by clicking on the button below:
Sister Evelina submits report on stc's neeDs

On June 27, 2017, SFAA received a comprehensive report from the Principal of STC, Sister Evelina, detailing the needs of St. Teresa's Convent.
The report identifies tuition, utilities, educational resources and equipment as some of the urgent needs of the school. SFAA's Executive Committee is in the process of evaluating the report, and will come up with an action plan. The report and action plan will be available for viewing in the coming weeks.