News Archive
BANK BALANCE - December 1 $29,675.02
BANK BALANCE - December 31 $15,618.12

Sister Fatima, Faustina & Sister Evelina (Principal)
SFAA owes Faustina Bonner '84, a tremendous debt of gratitude. Faustina, Vice Chair of SFAA's Regulatory Affairs Committee and member of the Finance Committee, traveled to Liberia on December 16, 2017. Upon her arrival, Faustina spent much of her three-week vacation on the campus of STC conducting SFAA's business. With the help of Peggy Mason Nortey and Georgia Owens Holder, who assisted her with logistics and organizing the students for photographs and video recordings, Faustina was able to accomplish everything she set out to do at STC. Her diligence resulted in the following:
meeting with Principal and Vice Principal to discuss SFAA's plans for the school
meeting with Teachers to discuss SFAA's assistance
gathering of more information on food and nutrition needs of students
pictures of students on A2S program
pictures of students during recess and in class
videos of students engaged in various activities at school
videos of students thanking sponsors
video of a 2017 graduate thanking STC for giving her educational foundation
inspection of classrooms and computer lab with Sis Evelina
getting thank-you letters from A2S students and their parents
getting original copy of letter from Sister Evelina confirming receipt of A2S remittance.
The pictures and videos that Faustina produced are published here on our website. You can view them in our photo gallery and on SFTV, respectively. The videos and pictures give us a view of a day in the lives of students at STC. The images are both encouraging and inspiring.
SFAA expresses it's profound gratitude to Faustina for her invaluable service and excellent work at STC. You can view pictures by clicking the button below.

Faustina with Vice Principal Wokie Kpanyor

L to R: Odell, Natu, Jean and Faustina
Whenever you see graduates of St. Teresa's Convent (STC), Friskies pride is always in tow. So, it comes as no surprise that the Friskies pictured above were spotted on the campus of STC in December 2017, beaming with pride during a visit to their illustrious alma mater.
Dr. Odell Kumeh '84, Natu Youh Strathy '81, Jean Juste Fahnbulleh '84 and Faustina Bonner '84, met at STC when Faustina and Natu traveled to Liberia for charity work and SFAA's business, respectively. They visited the Principal, Vice Principal, teachers and students. They also delivered encouraging and inspiring remarks to the students.
The administration and students expressed gratitude for the visit from their alumnae.
A New Generation of Friskies - December 2017
Judging from the picture above, the only thing that has changed about "Convent Girls" is the generation. Their attitude of pride and self-confidence still persists.
This picture of Friskies on the campus of STC comes courtesy of Faustina Bonner '84, during her visit in December 2017. The girls were excited to be photographed because they wanted everyone to know how proud they are to be a part of an elite sisterhood known as Friskies.
You can view more pictures of this generation of Friskies by clicking on the button below.

Front: Natu & Faustina - Back: Peggy, Jean & Odell
Natu Youh-Strathy, Friskies Class of '81, took the initiative to provide breakfast for the students of St. Teresa's Convent (STC) on Friday, January 5, 2018. With assistance from Faustina Bonner '84, Dr. Odell Kumeh '84, Jean Fahnbulleh '84 and Peggy Mason Nortey, Natu served breakfast to every class from K1 to Grade 12. Natu also provided enough food to feed the teachers and staff. This humanitarian gesture was born out of the need to address some of the food and nutrition challenges at the school. Acting on SFAA’s behalf last year, Natu conducted a needs-assessment exercise and found there is a need to assist with food and nutrition at school.
As a result of Natu’s report, SFAA is planning to launch a food and nutrition program.
Bringing joy and enrichment to the lives of the children of Liberia has become the life-work of Natu Youh-Strathy. Along with her husband, Dr. Kevin Strathy, Natu, a surgical nurse, travels to Liberia twice a year to render much needed medical service to children and adults. Natu and Kevin provide medical and other supplies to people in communities that are desperately in need of these items.
More importantly, the husband and wife medical team perform corrective surgeries on children and adults who suffer from skin, limb and other physical deformities. What is even more remarkable is that they render all of these medical services free of charge. Dr. Kevin and Natu You-Strathy were featured in Frontpage Africa for the humanitarian work they do in Liberia. Read more about this amazing couple by clicking the button below.

6th grade class enjoying breakfast

Rowena Gono
Rowena Gono, Friskies Class of '83, recently became a member of the Awards and Recognition Committee. Other members of this five-member committee are: Stephen Koffa, Chair, Martha Zoegan, Vice Chair and Adele Adighibe, Member. The committee has vacancy for another member.
The purpose of ARC is to establish guidelines for nominating, submitting and approving candidates for recognition and award. The committee will also serve as the body that review and approves all submissions.
The committee's term will coincide with the current administration, and new members will be appointed by the president of an incoming administration. The committee includes the following:
1. SFAA National President
2. Convention Host Chapter President
3. Member of SFAA
4. Member of SFAA
5. Member of SFAA

Saints Friskies Alumni Associaton (SFAA) and College of West Africa Alumni Association USA (CWAAAUSA) have entered into a partnership that will mutually benefit both organizations.
Operating under the SFAA's Spirit of Support (SOS) Partnership, both organizations will explore opportunities for collaboration on fundraising events and other activities.
The partnership has already yielded an immediate benefit. Saints Friskies and Foxes are hosting a joint Valentine's Day event on February 17, 2018, in Beltsville, MD.
For more information about the the event, please click on the the button below.

Members of Friskies Class of '81 came together to honor the memory of their late sister-classmate Aissata Koneh. Aissata passed away on December 17, 2017 after a courageous 11-year battle with cancer. At her funeral on January 5, 2017, Class of '81 was there to support Aissata's family. They paid a moving tribute in her honor, recounting how Aissata's indomitable spirit gave them both the inspiration and resolve to fight along her side.
In life, they visited her, prayed with her, encouraged her and sometimes even cried for her. And in death, they never left her side.
They raised funds to assist Aissata's family with funeral costs. They set up the hall where the repast was held, assisted with catering during the repast.
During this difficult period, Class of '81 showed us what true sisterhood is about. Aissata was probably looking down on them smiling and saying, "that's my girls". We are proud to be associated with these wonderful Friskies of '81.
Rest in Peace, Aissata. Your girls represented you very well.

Architectural model of building expansion
Plans for the expansion is underway at St. Teresa's Convent (STC). The school will add three classrooms so that grades 10, 11 and 12 can have A & B sections. The additional classrooms will address the growing demand from parents who want to enroll their girls at STC for high quality education.
We will bring you more information about the expansion project soon. In the meantime, you can view a few more pictures of the architectural drawings in our photo gallery by clicking the link below.

Sister Evelina and Ms. Kpanyor with A2S Students
On Tuesday, December 19, 2017, forty-three (43) students selected for the Alumni-To-Student Sponsorship Program (A2S) were photographed for publishing on SFAA's website. The pictures were taken by Faustina Bonner '84, who serves as Vice Chair of Regulatory Affairs Committee and member of the Finance Committee.
You can read more about the A2S program by clicking here.
To view more pictures of A2S students, click on the button below.

Sister Evelina and Ms. Kpanyor with A2S Students
Washington, DC - Saints Friskies Alumni Association (SFAA), the organization that represents graduates of St. Patrick’s High School (SPHS) and St. Teresa’s Convent (STC), is making headway with the ambitious agenda that the new leadership set since taking office in May 2017.
On Wednesday, December 6, 2017, Saints Friskies Alumni Association remitted $13,252.46 to St. Teresa's Convent (STC), as payment for tuition and supplies for 43 students benefiting from the A2S program.

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf with students of STC
Monrovia - President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has commended students of St. Teresa's Convent Catholic High School and recounted the tremendous contributions of Liberia's late President Edwin Barclay some 80 years.
She said she is glad to be part of St. Teresa's Convent family adding - 80 years after one of our great Presidents, Edwing Barclay had been here to open and contribute to this school.