History of St. Patrick's High School

History of St. Patrick's High School
The information on this page was culled from Wikipedia. SFAA did not independently verify this information. Pictures courtesy of George Bernard (Kollie), Class of '65

St. Patrick's High School was a high school in Monrovia, Liberia, from 1936 to 1996. It was one of the top secondary schools in the country.
In 1934, after being appointed Vicar Apostolic of Liberia, Father John Collins founded the St. Patrick School in Monrovia for the benefit of local children under the auspices of the Society of African Missions. He was rejoined by Father Francis Carroll in 1936, and under their direction, the school extended to the secondary level in 1939.

1967 - Bro. Paul Clark, Principal of SPHS,
and Haitian Ambassador Remy
In 1943, the school's first six graduates finished their scholarship, a first for a Catholic school in Liberia.
After Father John Collins died in 1961, Father Francis Carroll was consecrated Bishop of Monrovia, and one year later made the arrangements for the Brothers of Holy Cross to take over the management of St. Patrick's High School.
Maintaining a high profile for its excellent education, the school was closed for a time during the 1989 civil war. Two nuns, Sister Agnes and Sister Shirley, reopened the school. Both were killed in 1992 by National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL) rebel leader Charles Taylor's forces during the continued strife.
The brothers then ran the school until April 6, 1996, when the hierarchy closed all Catholic facilities.

1963 - Brother Thomas and Brother James
Father Francis Carroll (1936–)
Father Thomas Lakins
Father Joseph Guinan
Father Michael Rooney
Father O'Donovan
Brother Donald Allen
Brother Austin Maley
Brother Paul Clark
Brother John Zoglemann
Brother Edward Foken (1971–79, 1980–84)
Brother James Newberry (1982–89)
Sister Shirley Kolmer
Richard Goodlin - 1996
Williams, Sr., T. Nelson (2004). "The Deployment of Irish Troops in Liberia – A Manifestation of Irish-Liberian Ties

Class of 1965 - St. Patrick's High School

Class of 1965 Receives Soccer Trophy
Hail Glorious St. Patrick’s,
Dear Saint of Our School
Protect and Defend It
And Over It Rule!
Bless Us Thy Dear Children
From Heaven Above
On Us Thy Dear Children
Look Down in Thy Love
On Us Thy Dear Children
On Us Thy Dear Children
On Us Thy Dear Children
Look Down in Thy Love
Bing, Dominic
Hare, Augustus
Martin, Karpeh
Sawyer, Lawrence
Sharpe, Alphonso
Warren, Cooper
Brother Edward Foken
Principal of St. Patrick's High School
1972 - 1979

Brother Thomas Dillman
Math Teacher - SPHS & STC
1960 - 1996
1960 - 1993
Bro. Martin Able
Bro. Donald Allen
Bro. Jerome Aschbenner
Bro. Paul Clark
Bro. Edward Daley
Bro. Thomas Dilman
Bro. Foulgence Doherty
Bro. Francisco Drury
Bro. Edward Foken
Bro. Vincent Gross
Bro. William Healy
Bro. James Kozak
Fr. Charles Mahoney
Bro. Austin Maley
Bro. Edwin Mattingly
Bro. Anthony McGalla
Bro. David Naples
Bro. James Newberry
Bro. Chester Rachael
Fr. Lou Rink
Bro. Robert Salzmant
Bro. Theophan Schmitt
Bro. Donald Steffes
Bro. Dennis Wangeret
Bro. John Zolgleman