Executive Committee

S. Jaitoh Koffa, Jr. - President
Class of '79
The President defines the vision of the organization, sets the agenda, and along with other National Officers, carries out the goals of the organization as prescribed by the constitution. The President also calls and presides over all meetings of the association, announces business, decides the order and precedence of business and motions, facilitates debates and puts to a vote all matters of questions and/or relevance. The President performs this and all other duties as established by the constitution.
Contact: sfaa@stcsphs.org

Doris M. Minikon - Vice President
Class of '88
The Vice President advises and assists the President in carrying out the agenda of the organization. The Vice President also performs the duties of the President in the event of his or her absence, and any other duties as assigned by President. The Vice President is also expected to carry out all duties prescribed by the constitution.
Contact: dmunah@gmail.com

Samuel Glover - Secretary
Class of '80
The Secretary is the corresponding officer of the Association, custodian of records, keep a record of the minutes and proceedings, and send out notices for membership dues.
Contact: samglover@gmail.com

Charles E. Cooper III - Treasurer
Class of '84
The Treasurer is the custodian of all funds and properties belonging to the Association. S/he is an automatic member of the Association’s Finance Committee. The Treasurer disburses funds only as directed by the Board. The Treasurer is required to present documents for audit, reconcile the bank accounts, and prepare a report for the annual meeting of the Association. The Treasurer is required to report on the current status of Association funds and property at each Board meeting. The Treasurer is charged with filing all necessary paperwork to maintain the Association’s tax-exempt status.
Contact: charles.metrotech@yahoo.com

Editus Addy - Parliamentarian
Class of '90
The Parliamentarian is the expert on the rules of order and the proper procedures for the conduct of meetings of deliberative assemblies.The Parliamentarian will assist the Association in the interpretation of the constitution and bylaws and determine the applicability of the rules of order in the planning and conduct of Association meetings. S/he is assigned a seat next to the President to provide advice during meetings.
Contact: editusaddy@yahoo.com

Quallyna Porte - Immediate Past President
Class of '86
Assist the organization during the transition of authority, render advice on operations based on historical and constitutional precedence, and advise on all matters related to the Association's business.
Contact: quallyna@gmail.com