Greetings Saints Friskies Nation,
It has been a little over three weeks since you elected a new corps of officers. Although we are busy with house-keeping matters, I want to take this time to reach out to you. Thank you for your support, and the trust you have placed in us. We will work hard to live up to your expectations.
S. Jaitoh Koffa Jr, President of SFAA
We also want to express our gratitude to past administrations, and the ad hoc committee that kept the organization stable and functioning. Their work has not gone unnoticed.
Over the last decade, Saints Friskies Alumni Association (SFAA) faced a series of challenges that slowed both the growth and accomplishments of the organization. These challenges discouraged some members, and pushed others away. I believe many of you want to come home, and will once we get our house in order.
So, starting with the ShoutOuts we have been sending you, we are ushering in a new era of transparency.
We will regularly inform you of everything we do. From regular meetings of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors, to monthly financial reports, projects activities, funding initiatives, minutes, news, events, accomplishments, setbacks, etc. You will be notified every step of the way.
We are setting forth an ambitious and aggressive agenda, one that will take passion, commitment, and support to carry out. Your participation will be a critical component in achieving our goals. Our agenda includes, but not limited to:
Increasing the frequency of support for St. Teresa's Convent
Evaluating how realistic the prospect of reopening St. Patrick's High School
Developing a robust funding strategy by exploring alternative funding sources
Reactivating and re-engaging SFAA chapters both in Liberia and USA
Pairing alumni with students for educational sponsorship
Implementing an annual teachers-training workshop
Starting a campaign to recognize high achieving students
Starting Spirit of Support (SOS) Partnerships in the community for mutual support
Recruiting prospective graduates to ensure SFAA continuity
In our quest to reach you globally, we launched SFAA's new website on March 20, 2017. Since then, our data analytics show that we have had 1,311 unique visitors, who have made 10,019 page visits. Visitors have accessed our site from France, Sweden, England, Germany, Afghanistan, India, South Africa, Botswana, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Japan, Australia, Canada and the United States of America. This may not suggest re-engagement, but at least it shows you are paying attention.
We know our venture will not be easy. In fact, we expect a difficult road ahead. But with your participation and support, I am confident we can achieve a lot for the children of St. Teresa's Convent, and eventually St. Patrick's High School. We intend to use both technology and old-fashioned relationship building to help us accomplish our goals. Our digital marketing campaign will be the key to reaching most of you. We will use emails, ShoutOuts, and social media to connect with you. Additionally, we will call on you personally for support. If our contact is persistent and annoying, we ask for your patience. Ours is a worthy venture.
All our efforts are designed for this purpose: to assist the girls of St. Teresa's Convent get high quality education, and find a way to reopen St. Patrick's High School so that more boys can get an opportunity at the same.
S. Jaitoh Koffa Jr.
National President
Saints Friskies Alumni Association
Email: sfaa@stcsphs.org
Website: stcsphs.org
June 16, 2017