STC April 19, 2017: St. Teresa's Convent held a ceremony where it retired 7 staff members with honors, and awarded 14 staff members with Long Service distinction.
Archbishop Lewis J. Ziegler and Father Varfee (CES), were among distiguished guests attending the ceremony.
STC's administrators in attendance were:
Sr. Evelina De Guglielmo, FMM – Principal, MSED
Ms. Wokie Kpanyor - Vice Principal, MSED
Mr. Cletus T. Noah – Business Manager, BBA
Ms. Christine A. Dean – Registrar, BBA
Sr. Fatima John, FMM – Dean of Students, BA
SFAA congratulates both the honorees and retirees for their distinguished service. You can view the pictures and names of the honorees on this page.

Sister Evelina submits report on stc's neeDs

On July 27, 2017, SFAA received a comprehensive report from the Principal of STC, Sister Evelina, detailing the needs of St. Teresa's Convent.
The report identifies tuition, utilities, educational resources and equipment as some of the urgent needs of the school. SFAA's Executive Committee is in the process of evaluating the report, and will come up with an action plan. The report and action plan will be available for viewing in the coming weeks.