Planning Committee

Velma Kiawu-Fahnbulleh - Chair
Class of '79
The Chair leads this committee in providing assistance, guidance and advice for all events planned by Chapters and the Association. The Chair acts in collaboration with Planning Committee Members in carrying out responsibilities as defined by the President of SFAA.
Contact: vlaak@aol.com

Leemu Gbarbea - Vice Chair
Class of '86
The Vice Chair serves as the principal deputy of the Chair, assisting the Planning Committee in carrying out its responsibility as defined by SFAA President. The Vice Chair also acts in the capacity as Chair should the need arise.
Contact: lgbarbeat@hotmail.com

Eliza Juwle-Yates - Member
Class of '79
Members of the committee act in collaboration with the Chair and Vice Chair in carrying out responsibilities of the planning committee.
Contact: bonyenoh@yahoo.com

Jerrydean Simpson - Member
Class of '87
Members of the committee act in collaboration with the Chair and Vice Chair in carrying out responsibilities of the planning committee.
Contact: jericas68@yahoo.com

Dr. Vaylah Clinton - Member
Class of 86
Members of the committee act in collaboration with the Chair and Vice Chair in carrying out responsibilities of the planning committee.
Contact: vaylahc@hotmail.com
Press & Communications

Esther Wreh-Neal - Press Secretary
Class of '79
The Press Secretary is a senior advisor to SFAA's President on matters regarding communication of the organization's message The Press Secretary also drafts and presents press releases for publication and collaborates with the Digital Media Committee on effective presentation of the organization on the web and social media platforms.
Contact: ewrehneal@hotmail.com
Regulatory Affairs Committee

Patricia Minikon - Chair
Class of '85
The Chair leads this committee in all matters related to federal regulations governing charity organizations, such as IRS filings. The committee will ensure that SFAA is following all regulations prescribed by the IRS. In addition, they will keep track of SFAA's incorporation status, and file DBA registration. The Regulatory Affairs Committee will is also responsible for drafting all amendments submitted for the constitution.
Contact: pminikon@minikonlaw.com

Faustina Bonner - Vice Chair
Class of '84
The Vice Chair serves as the principal deputy of the Chair, assisting the Regulatory Affairs Committee in carrying out its responsibility as defined by SFAA President. The Vice Chair also acts in the capacity as Chair should the need arise.
Contact: faustinabrooks@yahoo.com

Francis Gibson - Member
Class of '86
Members of the committee act in collaboration with the Chair and Vice Chair in carrying out responsibilities of the Regulatory Affairs Committee.
Contact: figibson@yahoo.com

Shupan Greenfield Abraham - Member
Class of '84
Members of the committee act in collaboration with the Chair and Vice Chair in carrying out responsibilities of the Regulatory Affairs Committee.
Contact: shupan@charter.net

Bridgette Onike Roberts-Duncan - Member
Class of '80
Members of the committee act in collaboration with the Chair and Vice Chair in carrying out responsibilities of the Regulatory Affairs Committee.
Contact: bridgetteoduncan@yahoo.com
Awards & Recognition Committee

Stephen Koffa - Chair
Class of '79
The Chair leads this committee in receiving and evaluating all nominations for Convention Honoree and SFAA's Service Distinction Award. Membership of the Chair to this committee is automatic with elections as President of SFAA. Term of service is 3 years, which coincides with the tenure of SFAA's Presidency.
Contact: sfaa@stcsphs.org

Martha Zoegan - Vice Chair
Class of '86
The Vice Chair serves as the principal deputy of the Chair, assisting with receiving and evaluating all nominations for Convention Honoree and SFAA's Service Distinction Award. As President of the host chapter of an upcoming convention, membership of the Vice Chair to this committee is automatic upon elections of a new President of SFAA. Term of service is 3 years, which coincides with the tenure of SFAA's Presidency.
Contact: saykonzoegan@yahoo.com

Adele Adighibe - Member
Class of '81
Members of the committee act in collaboration with the Chair and Vice Chair in carrying out responsibilities of the Awards and Recognition Committee. Members of the committee are appointed by the newly elected President of SFAA, and serves a 3-year term, which coincides with the tenure of SFAA's Presidency.
Contact: arnoldadighibe@gmail.com

Rowena Gono - Member
Class of '83
Members of the committee act in collaboration with the Chair and Vice Chair in carrying out responsibilities of the Awards and Recognition Committee. Members of the committee are appointed by the newly elected President of SFAA, and serves a 3-year term, which coincides with the tenure of SFAA's Presidency.
Contact: rgono2@aol.com

Sando Karneh - Member
Class of '88
Members of the committee act in collaboration with the Chair and Vice Chair in carrying out responsibilities of the Awards and Recognition Committee. Members of the committee are appointed by the newly elected President of SFAA, and serves a 3-year term, which coincides with the tenure of SFAA's Presidency.
Contact: sandokarneh1970@gmail.com
Digital Media Committee

Dr. Kate Clarke - Chair
Class of '99
The Chair leads this committee in developing and implementing SFAA's digital media strategy. This includes ensuring that the organization has a dynamic presence and expansive community on social media and the web. SFAA's digital platform will include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Website and other social media outlets.
Contact: dr.kateclarke@gmail.com

Antoinette Essa - Vice Chair
Class of '76
The Vice Chair serves as the principal deputy to the Chair, assisting with developing and implementing SFAA's digital media strategy. This includes ensuring that the organization has a dynamic presence and expansive community on social media and the web. SFAA's digital platform will include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Website and other social media outlets.
Contact: anbushe@aol.com

Stephen Koffa - Member
Class of '79
Members of the committee act in collaboration with the Chair and Vice Chair in carrying out the responsibilities of the Digital Media Committee.
Contact: sfaa@stcsphs.org

Yeenea Kammermann - Member
Class of 2000
Members of the committee act in collaboration with the Chair and Vice Chair in carrying out the responsibilities of the Digital Media Committee.
Contact: yeeneapdaniels@gmail.com

Simeon Kormon - Member
Class of '93
Members of the committee act in collaboration with the Chair and Vice Chair in carrying out the responsibilities of the Digital Media Committee.
Contact: simeon.kormon@uqconnect.edu.au
Membership Committee

Leon Mensah - Chair
Saints Alumnus
The Chair leads this committee in developing and implementing a strategy for growing the organization. This includes membership drives, growing members database etc. The goal is to reach out to graduates and former students spanning multiple generations. Membership outreach will utilize social media, emails, phone calls, etc.
NOTE: Leon was a student at SPHS at the time the institution closed at the end of the 1996 school year.
Contact: mensa_leon@hotmail.com

Olivia Elliott-Wright - Vice Chair
Class of '87
The Vice Chair serves as the principal deputy to the Chair, assisting with developing and implementing a strategy for growing the organization. This includes membership drives, growing members database etc. The goal is to reach out to graduates and former students spanning multiple generations. Membership outreach will utilize social media, emails, phone calls, etc
Contact: oliviae90@gmail.com

Jacqueline Robinson-Cooper - Member
Class of '95
Members of the committee act in collaboration with the Chair and Vice Chair in carrying out the responsibilities of the Membership Committee.
Contact: jacqueline.cooper@capitalone.com

Doris Minikon - Member
Class of '88
Members of the committee act in collaboration with the Chair and Vice Chair in carrying out the responsibilities of the Membership Committee.
Contact: dmunah@gmail.com

Nejea Davis - Member
Class of '93
Members of the committee act in collaboration with the Chair and Vice Chair in carrying out the responsibilities of the Membership Committee.
Contact: nejea2009@gmail.com

Robert Williams - Member
Class of '96
Members of the committee act in collaboration with the Chair and Vice Chair in carrying out the responsibilities of the Membership Committee.
Contact: rwww75@gmail.com