NOTE: This page is dedicated to the outstanding men and women who served as Principals, Teachers and Administrators at St. Patrick's High School and St. Teresa's Convent in Monrovia, Liberia. As we receive more biographical information, we will update this page.
Brother Edward Foken: 56 Years as Brother of Holy Cross

A native of Norwood, Ohio, Brother Edward Foken sings the praises of Cincinnati's Purcell High School. At Purcell he excelled in football and credits the sport for allowing him to train, work with groups, and develop physical skills; all which would serve him well in his ministries. In 2008, he was one of those nominated for the Purcell High School's "Outstanding Among All" Award.
Holy Cross had an "uncle's influence" (the late Brother Walter Foken) when it came to directing Edward to join Holy Cross. Brother Edward credits Brother Walter for being on of the great influences in his life
Edward entered St. Joseph's Novitiate January 25, 1960.
Brother Edward was well-trained for the tasks ahead. He earned his BA from the University of Notre Dame in 1968, MS from Indiana State University during the Summers of 1967 - 70, along with graduate work at Ohio University, the University of Chicago and as a Fulbright Scholar the Summer of 1985.
His first four years of teaching would be at Holy Cross High School, River Grove, Illinois, where he taught English and was Athletic Director. Next would be three years at Monroe Catholic Central, Monroe, Michigan. There he coached football, was Dean of Discipline, and Student Council Moderator.
In January, 1971, Brother Edward joined the faculty of St. Patrick's High School in Monrovia, Liberia. From January, 1972 until December, 1980 he would be Principal. In February, 1980, he returned to the United States for a 100-day renewal program at Sangre de Christo, Sante Fe, New Mexico. He then spent a year teaching at St. Edward High School in Lakewood, Ohio, before returning to Monrovia, Liberia, as Superintendent of Catholic Schools for two years. There were 48 schools and some orphanages under his direction. Brother Edward considers the eight years he spent in Liberia to be most rewarding. Over half of the 400 students at St. Patrick's were on scholarship.
In December, 1983, Brother Edward returned to the United States for a sabbatical at the Holy Cross Brothers' Center, Notre Dame, Indiana, and another year working at Dujarie Hous on the Brothers' Center Campus.
Beginning in 1984, and continuing for the next 22 years, he would be on the faculty of St. Joseph High School, South Bend. There he taught Indiana History, Sociology, World History, and Government. Brother Edward and Brother Robert Dierker were the last Brothers to minister at St. Joseph High School. After retiring from full time teaching at St. Joseph High School, Brother Edward worked as a substitute teacher at St. Joseph's for another two years. Brother Edward is now fully retired, and lives at Riverside Place in Holy Cross Village, Notre Dame, Indiana. (Credit: Brothers of Holy Cross)
Brother Thomas Dillman : 66 Years as Brother of Holy Cross

At age 22, I had completed three years of university studies in Engineering, and had a reasonable social life. I happened to read Thomas Merton's Seven Story Mountain. Suffice to say, this served as a significant turning point in my life, and in January, 1950 I entered the postulate at Watertown, Wisconsin.
I entered the novitiate in August, 1950, at Rolling Prairie, Indiana. It is only in retrospect I realize how austere our novitiate program was as compared to today's standards.
I studied at St. Edward's University and continued there in General Engineering studies toward that degree.
After one and a half years, with degree in hand, I was assigned to teach at Cathedral High School, Indianapolis, Indiana, in January, 1952.
Following Final Vows in August, 1954, I went to Archbishop Hoban High School in Akron, Ohio. During the next 13 years I would teach the Industrial Science classes: Woodworking and Metalworking and Mechanical Drawing, along with Math. I was also Director of Maintenance and bus driver for athletic events.
From September - December 1968 I was the Novice Master and Director of Aspirants at the Holy Cross Brothers' Center at Notre Dame. In less than three months, we had a new provincial and procedural changes. The novices were moved to the Novitiate in Valatie, New York, and I was really happy to be released from an extremely challenging role involving experimaentation and new modus operandi in the formation program.
After enrichment studies in Theology at Notre Dame, I accepted Brother Charles Krupp's request to got to Monrovia, Liberia, to teach math/science at St. Patrick's High School. For the next 42 years I would be a Holy Cross missionary. There is no way to describe the myriad of unfolding events and experiences in my 28 years of ministry in Liberia.
In April, 1996, an open conflict resulted among four different rebel factions erupted in an inner-city civil war in Monrovia, thus closing down all schools, from which the archbishop decided not to reopen St. Patrick's, deciding to opt for a new polytechnic school.
With the closing of St. Patrick's, I was assigned to live with the Holy Cross community in Ghana. There I opted to write math textbooks for the senior high school program in Catholic schools in Liberia.
I am currently editor of our District quarterly newsletter: HOLY CROSS TODAY - GHANA. I also am House Directory of our Holy Cross Community at St. Augustine's College, Cape Coast. All things considered, it has been a wonderful 66 years living out my vocation as a Brother of Holy Cross, more than half of which has been here in West Africa. (Credit: Brothers of Holy Cross)
The Late Brother William Healy: 56 Years as Brother of Holy Cross

William was born in Detroit and entered the Brothers in Watertown in 1939. After his novitiate year he worked as a cook, first at Sacred Heart Juniorate, then at the Generalate in Washington, D.C. and at St. Joseph's Center in Valatie. His business skills came into play when he was assigned to the publication staff at Ave Maria Press to serve as a canvasser for 2 years. In 1950, he joined the faculty of Boysville and served in a variety of roles for 19 years. He is probably best remembered at the school for his efforts in developing athletic programs. As Athletic Director, his football, basketball, baseball and track teams won 13 championships. In 1969, William was able to fulfill one of his dreams of going to the missions.
He was sent to Liberia to join the faculty of St. Patrick's High School, where he developed courses and taught a new business curriculum. He also served as the Athletic Director at St. Patrick’s High School in Monrovia, Liberia, from 1969 to 1982. After serving at the school for 13 years, he returned to the States to teach at Hoban High School in Akron. He then administered to the needy in Appalachia by assisting Br. Gonzaga Day at the Seton Thrift Store in Harriman, TN. William's lively spirit, cheerful personality and business talents were memorable not only among many friends at Boysville but also in Liberia and Tennessee. (Credit: Brothers of Holy Cross)