Finance Committee

Juliana Dixon - Chair
Class of '86
The Chair leads the Finance Committee in providing financial oversight for the organization, and serves as the principal liaison between the committee and the full board. The Chair also plays a leadership role in establishing internal control procedures for all financial transactions. The Chair ensures that the committee fulfills its fiduciary responsibilities as prescribed by the constitution.
Contact: julianakd69@gmail.com

Calvin Harris - Vice Chair
Class of '77
The Vice Chair serves as the principal deputy of the Chair, assisting the Finance Committee in carrying out its fiduciary responsibilities as warranted by the Chair. The Vice Chair also acts in the capacity of Chair should the need arise.
Contact: harrisc1@triad.rr.com

Faustina Bonner - Member
Class of '84
Members of the committee act in collaboration with the Chair and Vice Chair in carrying the fiduciary responsibilities of the committee as prescribed by the constitution.
Contact: faustinabrooks@yahoo.com

Gerald Doe - Member
Class of '86
Members of the committee act in collaboration with the Chair and Vice Chair in carrying the fiduciary responsibilities of the committee as prescribed by the constitution.
emailContact: sgwdoe21@gmail.com

Jackie Wolo - Member
Class of '83
Members of the committee act in collaboration with the Chair and Vice Chair in carrying the fiduciary responsibilities of the committee as prescribed by the constitution.
Contact: jackiewolo@comcast.net
Audit Committee

Lionel Brown - Chair
Class of '83
The Chair leads this committee in providing accountability for the organization by appointing, compensating and overseeing an independent audit. The committee receives reports directly from the auditors in connection with the audit's findings and considers actions to recommend to the full board as a result of recommendations from the auditors about actions the association reporting and management practices.
Contact: lionroch@gmail.com

Alston Wolo - Vice Chair
Class of '83
The Vice Chair serves as the principal deputy of the Chair, assisting the Audit Committee in carrying out its oversight responsibility as prescribed by the constitution. The Vice Chair also acts in the capacity as Chair should the need arise.
Contact: sfaa@stcsphs.org

Martin Scott - Member
Class of '72
Members of the committee act in collaboration with the Chair and Vice Chair in carrying out oversight responsibilities of the committee as prescribed by the constitution.
Contact: martyretire@yahoo.com

Vacant - Member
Class of --
Members of the committee act in collaboration with the Chair and Vice Chair in carrying out oversight responsibilities of the committee as prescribed by the constitution.
sfaa@sContact: sfaa@stcsph.org

Vacant - Member
Class of --
Members of the committee act in collaboration with the Chair and Vice Chair in carrying out oversight responsibilities of the committee as prescribed by the constitution.
Contact: sfaa@stcsphs.org
Elections Committee

Ahmed Sheriff - Chair
Class of '86
The Chair leads this committee in conducting all elections of the association. The committee conducts its operations as prescribed by the constitution, which includes implementing election rules and operations, approaching and identifying candidates for office, determining and certifying outcome of elections, and addressing elections grievances. The Chair will lead this committee in compliance with the constitution.
Contact: basheriff@hotmail.com

Vacant - Immediate Past Chair
Class of --
The Immediate Past Chair serves as the principal deputy of the Chair, assisting the Elections Committee in carrying out its elections responsibility as prescribed by the constitution. The Immediate Past Chair also acts in the capacity as Chair should the need arise.
Contact: sfaa@stcsphs.org

Vacant - Member
Class of --
Members of the committee act in collaboration with the Chair and Vice Chair in carrying out elections responsibilities as prescribed by the constitution.
Contact: sfaa@stcsphs.org

Vacant - Member
Class of --
Members of the committee act in collaboration with the Chair and Vice Chair in carrying out elections responsibilities as prescribed by the constitution.
Contact: sfaa@stcsphs.org

Vacant - Member
Class of --
Members of the committee act in collaboration with the Chair and Vice Chair in carrying out elections responsibilities as prescribed by the constitution.
Contact: sfaa@stcsphs.org